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IDF WORLD DAIRY SUMMIT 2024 - 15/18 October 2024 - Paris - https://www.idfwds2024.com/
IDF WORLD DAIRY SUMMIT 2023 - 16/19 October 2023 - Chicago - https://idfwds2023.com/



Feed additives: A focus on reducing enteric methane emissions (June 2024) - download

Developing Evidence-Based, Food-Based Dietary Guidelines: Critical Contributions of Dairy (May 2024) - download

Management of calves from birth to weaning: Milk feeding of calves from newborn through weaning (March 2024) - download

Management of calves from birth to weaning: Rearing of calves by dam-calf contact (March 2024) - download

Benefits of processing in dairy (March 2024) - download

Expression of total bacteria count in raw milk (February 2024) - download

Dairy matrix: The case of yoghurt (December 2023) - download

Dairy matrix: The case of milk (December 2023) - download

Dairy matrix: The case of cheese (December 2023) - download

School meal programmes the role of dairy: an essential contributor to nutrition security (December 2023) - download

Dairy matrix: Understanding its impact on the health effects of dairy foods (December 2023) - download

Enumeration of butyric acid forming (cheese spoiling) clostridia - methodical considerations (Ocober 2022) - download

Cheese and Varieties Part 1: What is Cheese (February 2021) - download

Cheese and Varieties Part 2: Cheese Styles (February 2021) - download

Executive Summary of IDF Country Updates (October 2019) - download

Bioprotection (September 2019) - download

The Importance of the Dairy (Food) Matrix in the Evaluation of the Nutritional Quality and Health Effects of Food (April 2019) - download
Artificial Flavours in Feed – Possible Transfer of Ethyl Vanillin from Feed to Milk
(April 2019) -
Whole Genome Sequencing
(April 2019)
Trans fatty acids (TFA) to be differentiated into industrially produced TFAs and naturally present TFAs (May 2018)
 - download
Trans fatty acids (TFA) to be differentiated into industrially produced TFAs and naturally present TFAs (May 2018)
- download

Executive Summary of IDF Country Reports - April 2018 - download

Heat Treatment of Milk  - overview (February 2018) - download

Executive Summary of IDF Country Reports - October 2017 - download

Phthalates in Dairy Equipment (December 2017) - download

Executive summary of IDF Country Reports (June 2017) - download

Guidance on Antimicrobial Resistance from the Dairy Sector (May 2017) - download

Reasons why Galactose is Good for You (March 2017) - download

The Importance of Salt in the Manufacturing and Ripening of Cheese (March 2017) - download

Raw Milk Cheeses - download

Bacillus Cereus in Milk and Dairy Products - download

Escherichia coli as Indicator in Cheese Processing - download

Impact of Transport Temperature on the Quality of Dry Dairy Products - download

Use of Wood in Cheese Ripening - download

IDF Executive Summary of IDF Country Reports ( October 2016) - download

Trans fatty acids - download

IDF Executive Summary of IDF Country Reports (April 2016) - download

Cronobacter Species in the Dairy Industry - download
Saturated Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease -
Field Guidelines for the Assessment and Management of Aflatoxins in Dairy Products across the Supply Chain
- download

The Role of Dairy in Sustainable Nutrition - download

The Role of Dairy in Optimal Nutrition and Under-Nutrition - The First 1,000 Days - download

The International Dairy Federation - download

Risk-based Food Safety Management - download

Microbial Food Cultures - download


Issue No 17 published in November 2023



Issue No 7 published in September 2023



Bulletin 527/2023 -
The World Dairy Situation Report 2023
Bulletin 526/2023 - Prevention of the development of chlorate in the dairy chain
Bulletin 525/2023 -
Practical considerations of sampling when monitoring dairy food productio
Bulletin 524/2023 - Moisture content of dried milk and dried milk products - Complementary international collaborative study.
Bulletin 523/2023 - Proceedings of the 7th and 8th IDF Paratuberculosis Fora
Bulletin 522/2022 - IDF Global Marketing Trends Report
Bulletin 521/2022 - Survey on the Implementation of the CAC General Standard for the Use of Dairy Terms (GSUDT- Survey)
Bulletin 520/2022 -
The IDF global Carbon Footprint standard for the dairy sector
Bulletin 519/2022 -
Sequ LCA guidelines for calculating carbon sequestration in cattle production systems
Bulletin 518/2022 -
The IDF World Dairy Situation Report 2022
Bulletin 511/2021
Guidance on the application of conversion equations for determination of microbiological quality of raw milk
Bulletin 510/2021 -
Inventory, evaluation and and perspectives on methods for determination of somatic cell count
Bulletin 509/2021 -
Lactose, an important nutrient: Advocating a revised policy approach for dairy & its intrinsic sugar
Bulletin 508/2020 -
 Guidance on application of EC JRC Certified Reference Material for somatic cell counting in milk
Bulletin 507/2020 -
 The Codex General Standard for the Use of Dairy Terms - Its nature, intent and implications
Bulletin 506/2020 - The World Dairy Situation 2020
Bulletin 505/2020 - The contribution of school milk programmes to the nutrition of children worldwide – Edition 2020
Bulletin 504/2020 -
New applications of MIR spectrometry: Quality assurance practices with new parameters in raw milk analysis
Bulletin 503/2020 -
Global Marketing Trends - Understanding changes in dairy consumption around the world
Bulletin 502/2019 - Ecology of Listeria spp. and Listeria monocytogenes, Significance in Dairy Production
Bulletin 501/2019 - The World Dairy Situation 2019
Bulletin 500/2019 - Wastewater Treatment in Dairy Processing - Innovative solutions for sustainable wastewater management
Bulletin 499/2019 - Guidance on the Practical Application of IDF/ISO Standard on the Determination of Milkfat Purity
Bulletin 498/2019 -
The IDF Guide to Good Animal Welfare in Dairy Production 2.0
Bulletin 497/2019 -
Applications of Near Infrared Spectrometry for the Analysis of Milk and Milk products
Bulletin 496/2019 - The technology of pasteurisation and its effect on the microbiological and nutritional aspects of milk


Special Issue 1401 - The Importance of Salt in the Manufacturing and Ripening of Cheese

                                       This document has 83 pages and costs 109.00€ for a paper copy or 99.00€ for an electronic version

UK-IDF, c/o Dairy UK, 210 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7EP, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)207 405 1484 E-mail: iwakeling@dairyUK.org